Create Map Image and:
Map Image Generator Sample
Status: Functional
This sample shows how to generate an image of the map. Pushpin images must be hosted locally, or be dataUri's. Bing Maps terms of use does not allow Ordnance Survey or Birdseye imagery to be "printed". Streetside imagery is not supported.
Known Limitations:
TileLayer's and Pushpin images must either be hosted on the same domain as the website or have CORs enabled on their hosting server.
SVG pushpins currently not supported in IE11.
The following elements are not rendered; navigation controls, scale bars, Infoboxes, AnimatedTileLayers, and most Custom Overlays.
IE and Edge will not cache tiles when CORS is enabled.
Chrome throws errors when this property is set enabled and custom tile layers don’t have CORS enabled on the server.