//***************************************** The php calendar component written by TJ @triconsole //***************************************** version 3.79 (11 Jun 2022) fixed: PHP Deprecated : Passing null to parameter - on PHP8.1 with function trim() and is_file() - thanks Ciprian version 3.78 (20 Mar 2021) fixed: possible vulnerabilities on boolean input variables - thanks Patrick O'Keeffe version 3.77 (20 Feb 2021) fixed: deprecated issue found on php8 - thanks Guy Snelling add on: encapsulate functions on php classes - thanks Tri update: constructor on tc_date.php and tc_date_main.php - thanks Tri version 3.76 (14 Feb 2021) fixed: XSS on PHP_SELF server variable - thanks Akash Chathoth version 3.75 (1 June 2015) add on: automatic read of available themes - thanks ciprianmp update: Date.prototype function in calendar.js - thanks ciprianmp add on: calendar theme ('theme1', 'theme2', 'theme3') - function setTheme(theme_name) - thanks Tri add on: buffer calendar output for print on screen later - function getScript() - thanks Tri fixed: calendar auto hide glitch on Internet Explorer and Opera browser - thanks Sébastien updated: check and disable date on dropdown (cannot select) - thanks ciprianmp version 3.74 (29 Jan 2015) updated: optimized and add functions to reduce parameter sending over calendar pages - thanks Tri fixed: minor bug fixed, error on function checkSpecifyDate() and prevent date-allow input errors - thanks ciprianmp version 3.73 and before fixed: checkdate() function generated an error on some php servers - thanks Tri add on: implemented the setToolTips() function to display infos for any date on calendar form - thanks ciprianmp and TJ add on: About icon, credits & version info displayed on hovering the About icon - thanks Tri and ciprianmp add on: automatic check for an updated version available - thanks Tri add on: built the FB page of the class and embedded the Like action button - thanks ciprianmp add on: an event colors specified on calendar.css, alternative to the tooltip icons or use both - thanks Larry fixed: an error when choose day and month, and year dropdown to null (first item on dropdown) - thanks Marco fixed: tooltips are not displayed on Safari browser (windows) - thanks Larry fixed: minor bugs fixed on unset calendar value updated: vulnerabilities update on REQUEST parameter - thanks Arvid V. add on: Timezone function - thanks Tri add on: Tooltips function - thanks ciprianmp updated: calendar.js on Date.prototype.format - thanks Haravikk fixed: valid today date checked with date allow - thanks ciprianmp changed: use DateTime php class for php version >= 5.3.0 to support year 2038 and later fixed: 1st and 31st are always disabled when running with php4 - thanks dl fixed: add on-change javascript in dropdown datepicker mode (missing previously) - thanks Alex fixed: javascript possible error on Date.parse fixed: json checking function return error when server does not support for json - thanks strangeplant add on: auto focus an overlapping calendar to the top add on: auto hide calendar - thanks Wayne, Chris fixed: date selected hilight error - thanks John fixed: incorrect parameter submited on javascript that caused an invalid date returned - thanks ciprianmp changed: make the DatePair function selectable on any dates. Date-from must be before Date-to, and on the other hand, otherwise it will be reset - thanks Chris, Rickard, ciprianmp add on: startDate function and will be used instead of startMonday add on: support for RTL (right-to-left output) - thanks ciprianmp add on: showWeeks function - thanks Michael adjusted: rearrange source code on calendar_form.php for future use adjusted: change the color of today date to green with border - thanks ciprianmp fixed: javascript error from IE compatible not support for JSON - thanks ciprianmp fixed: today date color disappear when date is disabled. - thanks ciprianmp fixed: Fixed display style still have the default value in case the date is disabled. - thanks ciprianmp fixed: 'Day' combobox contain no list dropdown when not call setDate() on initialization - thanks Fulin add on: add X as background of disabled days - thanks SanSar fixed: the value of calendar is not restored when using back button on browser - thanks Nicolai fixed: error on calendar.js function checkSpecifyDate - thanks Todd fixed: dateAllow contains error on calendar_form.php - thanks matthijs add on: setOnChange to handling javascript onChange event updated: setSpecificDate can be set month, year, and no recursive simultaneously - thanks ciprianmp, Steve fixed: writeYear bug from $date_allow1 & 2 must be changed to $time_allow1 & 2 - thanks ciprianmp again :( fixed: javascript error on datepair function on v3.50 and 3.51 - thanks ciprianmp added: 2 functions for php version that does not support json - thanks Steve utilizing and cleaning up some codes on tc_calendar.php, calendar_form.php, and calendar.js - thanks Peter add on: setSpecificDate() to enable or disable specific date - thanks ciprianmp, phillip, and Steve to suggest this fixed: the header of calendar looks tight when day's header more than 2 characters, this can be adjusted by increasing width on calendar.css [#calendar-body td div { width: 15px; }] - thanks ciprianmp add on: setAlignment() and setDatePair() function - thanks ciprianmp and many guys guiding this :) fixed: total number of days startup incorrect - thanks Francois du Toit, ciprianmp add on: disabledDay() function to let the calendar disabled on specified day - thanks Jim R. fixed: day combobox not update when select date from calendar - thanks ciprianmp fixed: don't display year when not in year interval add on: startMonday() function to set calendar display first day of week on Monday - deprecated since 3.61 and replaced by startDate() add on: setHeight() function to set the height of iframe container of calendar - thanks Nolochemcial fixed: not support date('N') for php version lower 5.0.1 so change to date('w') instead - thanks simonzebu, Kamil, greensilver for bug report - thanks Paul for the solution fixed: incorrect layout when select part of date - thanks simonzebu (I just got what you said :) ) fixed: hide javascript alert when default date not defined - thanks jon-b add on: button close on datepicker on the top-right corner of calendar - thanks denis add on: getMonthNames() function to make custom month names on each language - thanks Jean-Francois Harrington adjust: change php short open tag (